New features

Relational graphVisualize relationship between data assets
Status: In progress
Extended propertiesAutomatically enrich the catalog with extended properties
Status: In progress
Improved search barBetter performance and better results and more options to search
Status: Delivered
New visualization filtersFilter the visualization by concepts and classifications
Status : delivered
Full versioning capabilityKeep track of all modifications with the new historization option
Status : delivered
Connector for PostgreSQLCollect all metadata from PostgreSQL
Status : delivered
New search barNew search feature to explore the entire catalog
Status : Delivered
Custom propertiesAdd custom fields to a domain, an application, a data asset and an attributes
Status : Delivered
Classifications metricsNew statistics for the classifications
Status : delivered
Connector for MySQLCollect all metadata from MySQL databases
Status : Delivered
Connector for OracleCollect all metadata from Oracle databases
Status : Delivered
Metadata completenessIndicates the completion level of the business context
Status : delivered
A new status 'Hidden' This new status allows you to hide data assets from business users.
Status : delivered
CollaborationDiscussion panel
Allow users to exchange ideas and comments.
Allow users to exchange ideas and comments.
Status : delivered
Zoom function in visualizationYou can scroll up and down to zoom in on the visualization panel
Status : delivered
Generate SQLGenerate select statement of a data asset with all the attributes
Status : delivered
Exclusion listAdd exclusion terms in the classifications in order to narrow down and avoid unwanted attributes
Status : delivered
ConceptsTag data assets with specific terms in order to group them
Status : delivered
Audit log for data assets discoveryYou can now track the changes of the data assets discovery job
Status : delivered
Create custom classificationsData stewards can now create their own classifications
Status : delivered